We are Melbourne
We are marvellous

Get back your No 1 World's Most Liveable City ranking - start now

We can't be stopped. With gusto the sparkle, the Melb-magic, is coming back.

We're tapping into what made us a world success story: being innovative, unpredictable, resilient, inclusive, curious, confident, creative, tolerant, positive and courageous.

We're catapulting forward because our motivation and can-do entrepreneurial spirit is relentless. It's in our DNA.

You know all the above, but it needs reminding now more than ever. Is it the wrong time for a pick-me-up?

The official secondary Keep Melbourne Marvellous! logo showing Melbourne's signature Hoddle Grid in a white background and the exclamation mark on the text at the end is swapped for a boomerang, acknowledging Melbourne proud Indigenous/Aboriginal history and culture.

That marvellous Melbourne spirit

You built and shaped this city - everyday Melburnians: shopkeepers, tradies, construction workers, businesses big and small, volunteers and community groups, carers, frontline staff and casual workers, shop assistants, retailers, musicians, cooks, baristas, cleaners, teachers, doctors, nurses, couriers, public transport staff, government authorities, agencies, students.

Your energy, heart and soul that made us one of the world's most liveable cities - an envy of the world - is unstoppable.

The Melbourne you love, like never before.

We're Melbourne. We're marvellous.

Keep Melbourne Marvellous!

Logo lowdown

Hoddle Grid

Melbourne's distinct U-turn-essential Hoddle Grid and iconic graffiti lanes are symbolised by the rectangular block, with the colour reflecting our city's bursting energy, groundbreaking creativity, youthfulness and exciting unpredictability.

Unofficial uniform of Melbourne

From hipsters to high-culture fashionistas, here you wear any colour as long as it's black, darling! - reflected by a bold, modern and sassy font.

The official primary Keep Melbourne Marvellous! logo showing Melbourne's signature Hoddle Grid in a green block and the exclamation mark on the text at the end is swapped for a boomerang, acknowledging Melbourne proud Indigenous history and culture.
The Keep Melbourne Marvellous! third logo used on social media is a green circle with a black letter 'm' and an exclamation mark cleverly swapped for a boomerang to reflect Melbourne proud Aborignal history and culture.


The exclamation mark swapped for a boomerang symbolises our city's proud and rich Indigenous heritage, respecting the five Kulin Nation groups as Traditional Owners of Country and waters, who were here long before European settlers founded modern Melbourne on 30 August 1835.

And just like a boomerang, our No 1 World's Most Liveable City title will return.


The red represents the lifeblood of our city - the beating heart of traders, commuters, students, shoppers, visitors, theatre-goers, all of us across one of the world's most sprawling metropolitan areas.

Moreover, it represents the undying passion of Melburnians who call this place home - and ache to keep it marvellous.

Green for go!

Hoddle grid's green block symbolises the hues of signature parks and gardens - the Garden State - trams, MCG's and other sports stadiums' surfaces, elm trees, Canary Island palms, trams, Port Phillip Bay, rivers and creeks, and eye-catching landmarks, including Flinders St Station's copper dome, RMIT's Building 8, Storey Hall, Council House 2 and Federation Square.

The city and country Victoria become one

It's the fluro-green of rave-party glow sticks, saluting the vibrant nightlife, live music and entertainment scene. It's the iconic Freddo Frog of childhood and eco-friendly keep-cups - both invented here.

It recalls liveries of our triumphant 2006 Commonwealth Games (PDF) β†— and 1956 Olympic Games β†—

It's metropolitan sports fields, front lawns, racetracks, golf courses, emerald wedges and leafy suburban outskirts, where city and country Victoria become one.Β 

It's the tint of Melbourne's "national dish" - smashed-avo on toast.

And the colour of Sydney envy.


I have an idea, how to reach the team?

Contact us with feedback or comments.

Where can I get that cool Keep Melb Marv! T-shirt?

You asked and asked and asked for funky swag to show your support.

Get your marvellous on.Β 

Rock your style - cool, sassy and uniquely oh-so Melbourne community inspired designs available only at our official online Keep Melb Marv Online Store β†—

All merch printed locally in Melbourne.Β 

Grab your free delivery offer, use at checkout code: FREE

Why Keep Melbourne Marvellous?

#KeepMelbourneMarvellous is made with 🀍 and lots of β˜• for you, Melbourne and other Melburnians with heart and soul.

As the gateway to Victoria, it's paramount Melbourne shines.

Your prosperity is tied to Melbourne's.

Power up to max your unique civic spirit that helped build and shape Melbourne.

Cheer the city you love.


Where's to go for the best smashed avo on toast?

LOL, we get that a lot. Try your local cafe or brunch haunt - and in true adventurous Melbourne style try someplace new.

Melbourne's the smashed-avo capital of the world: If you can't see on your left or right an Insta-worthy cafe serving all-day brekkie, you're standing in front of one, doh!

Espresso machines and avo-smashing thingamajigs help Keep Melbourne Marvellous!